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  • 19009

    Strong and reliable

    Product Specifications

    • Total thickness 2,5 mm
    • Protective layer 0,55 mm
    • Sizes 228 x 1219 mm
    • Rim Side 4 sides
    • Rim Side Light, Average
    • Light, Average 3,34 m2
    • Number of planks in a pack content 12 planks
    • Warranty private 15 Years
    • Warranty professional 8 Years

    Get inspired further

    This high-quality and particularly strong floor is made of 2.5mm-thick PVC and features a top layer of 0.55 mm. The 29-01 PVC floor has a wood design and a medium colour.

    This high-quality and particularly strong floor is made of 2.5mm-thick PVC and features a top layer of 0.55 mm. The 19010 PVC floor has a wood design and a dark colour.

    This floor inspires and lives. Warm colors will make this floor stand out. A combination with plants, light and a rural or industrial interior will give this floor life.

    The 1617-9 speaks through its light and soft colour. This floor is airy yet attractive.

    This adventurous floor takes your interior along in its experience.

    This floor gives atmosphere and life. Warm colors will make this floor stand out. A combination with plants, light and a modern or industrial interior will make this floor come alive.


    If you need a floor that can deal with extremely high loads, then look no further than the 19009 by TFD. This high-quality and particularly strong floor is made of 2,5 mm-thick PVC and features a top layer of 0.55 mm.

    Thanks to the stability and robustness of the 19009, it is perfect for environments where floors are exposed to great pressure. For instance, commercial areas, hotels, schools and healthcare institutions. This floor can easily deal with many visitors.

    Just like all TFD floors, this floor is durable, maintenance-free and moisture-proof, and features an extra hard-wearing PU top layer. Bacteria cannot multiply on the floor due to the bacteriostatic properties of PVC, which means the 19009 is also ideal for people with allergies.

    The 19009 has a wood design and a medium colour.


    The 19009 is a glue-down floor

    Glue-down floors, which are also referred to as dryback floors, are PVC floor panels that are glued on even sub-floors. Once the sub-floor has been levelled, and is stable and extremely smooth, glue can be applied and the PVC floor panels can be installed.


    Natural TFD

    Sustainability, safety, public health and the environment are given the very highest priority at TFD Floortile.

    As a result, TFD only supplies completely safe PVC floors featuring the required safety certificates (DiBt Ü-Zeichen certificate & CE certification from TÜV Rheinland), which means they comply with the strictest norms.

    All our floors are made using Virgin PVC’s. They are pure, high-grade PVC’s which have not been mixed with lower grade PVC’s. These PVC floors can thus be recycled.

    All our PVC floors are produced without using phthalates as plasticisers. Instead, we have opted for alternatives that have proven to be safe for public health and the environment.



    TFD floors are a conscious decision

    • Easy to maintain
    • 100% recyclable
    • Phthalate-free plasticisers
    • Moisture and dirt resistant
    • Noise-reducing
    • Anti-allergic
    • Hard-wearing
    • Suitable for under-floor heating and cooling